My personal involvement in the adventure of Amphipolis – Sarantoy I. Kargakoy.


The OSA on Alexander had to say, I wrote extensively in several of my books and my speeches in numerous. If it happened at last my schedules to support with a lot of "If" and "maybe" and "probably" the tomb of the great doriktitoros, After not found in Egypt, must be sought in Macedonia and, If here and one in my 15 years as a more likely site of Amphipolis, This is the fruit of studies, meditations and on-the-spot investigations. As I have said often in tilopsia and on the radio, and even kat΄epanalipsi, I am not crystal ball fortune telling I. My historical intuition, for decades now, It has strongly been honed so that spawns in me some suspicions, some premonitions that often – too often confirmed. For the possible imposition of a dictatorship in our country had informed verbally and in writing an influential political strains in the country two years ago from its establishment. There are writings. The same happened with the collapse of our language. From the 1976 I am sounding the alarm.
And in what,What concerns at recent excavations in Amphipolis, probably I cause to start; as for the noise that was, He was not my own fault. Quite simply, in my latest book for Alexander write:
"In the view of the writer – never suspected is not missing from the historic stylus – , If once the Tomb found – and rather has been found – the landfill will be – and is – probably some point of Macedonia» («Megas Alexandros: the man Phenomenon "Tom. G΄s. 213).
A few pages above in the main text and more in the footnote I write:
"My guess is based on the following thought: the Olympias would do everything possible to bring the relics of her son in Macedonia and to make emblems of its own power. The site of Amphipolis is most likely. Maybe the Leo who has erected (…) It was the culmination of the mound where he had buried the body of Alexander. If the body was left in Egypt – naturally at a similar monument – we would have a description of the site and of the monument by some Alexandrian writer. Visits of eminent Romans referred to the supposed relics of Alexander was probably in some substitute " (d.p., s.. 206).
The fact that three of my project, Thanks to the newspaper "Real Neus ' came into 110.000 homes and was cause for the resumption of excavations in Amphipolis, makes me happy. It doesn't matter if I win; will it matter that thanks to my 20 year obsession found something wondrous. And this is me enough. But some told radio station was probably something sexy: Now I see it has overwhelmed everyone Alexandromania and Alexandrolagneia. There will be plenty of course and the necessary Alexandromachoi or Alexandromastiges that I speak always derisive to alive in folk soul undefeated paida. The spithamiaio up ( regardless of their ' boy ') gives greater dimension to the greatness of the invincible ' children.
There were also some who attacked against me. I agonized whether said or wrote something bad, If these were so good to me. There was even an eminent archaeologist – academic, I appreciate his work and often the quote on my own work, that before I even started the dialogue – and while his partner knew you am I – said akompsws, before you say anything,what he had to say, that those who argue that the tomb of Alexander is located in Macedonia, say nonsense. Thereby exposed and a ellogimi Lady, Kelly Tablaridoy-Grocer, to write articles sometimes disapproving against him for lack of good upbringing. I encountered with composure and eventually the k. academic was forced (We were at the beginning of the excavations) agree with me that the monument has despoiled, Although I only have one photo of the first door!
I tried throughout this long period be seemly. Due to origin and education do not belch, do not taunt. I respect and meditate on what is being said. Though something I disagree, I try to make my tension due to gravity and composure scientist. Because I know that nothing in science is not stable. Even two parallel lines might to infinity to meet. The amfiballontes, Let's read the geometry of Riemann and Lobachevskij. Don't work all in science with the Euclidean sense.
From my first interview I did at the beginning of August, however, a few caveats that are useful even. Firstly, before you proceed with excavations, need around the Hill – tumulus to place shelter many acres, not lost this time nor "scale» latypis, as old. Rainfall was near and I had not a speck to lost. Secondly, do not start the ira and studia, because instead of, Thanks to finding this to problithoyme, There is a risk to rezileytoyme. Already a gossip who revels beatify God, who in the eynoia Of aperantw, He began to do selectively deaf. I hear you need or what you want to hear. And thirdly, We are not in a hurry. Political factor was wrong to State from the outset that in two weeks we'll know. With courtesy indicated that at least two years will be time small. This said by radio, because I have the privilege of being close to Minister.
Alexander and the folk soul
IF TODAY (3 November 2014) incise those lines because on 3 months Amphipolis monopolizes the interest of the Greek people. A poll, even now, in all layers of the population would indicate that most of our fellow citizens want to believe that the finding in the tumulus of Kasta (other sleeker name does not exist;) is the tomb of Alexander. If you look in depth at this popular torque, you will come out a thought shocking: Our people stopped waiting for salvation from the living, that the rule, and wait for the salvation of the dead. As I said on one broadcast, the most alive Greeks are dead. And more alive than the living of the past is Alexander. In the same show I said something sarcastic: – "Why you call constantly to speak for the dead, not the living; Inwardly you convinced that some deaths are more alive than the living, that, However, is dead but have forgotten to lie down "!
It is not surprising that. Always save the Greeks their dead. Julius Caesar once said to the Athenians poignantly! "As when will save you the glory of your ancestors;». Always, seeing the issue of Amphipolis from a political point of view, I reach a conclusion of optimism. I think amazing is not the finding itself. The impressive is that – despite the crisis and tax storm – the enigmatic underground construction for three months – I repeat – the comes first in our people's interests. And this despite the decades some policies and ellinomachwn effort imaginable to eliminate the historical memory of our people, to extinguish the ancient tradition of our lives. Maybe somehow I wrote and spoke for Alexander's Tomb. Alexander damage and still reigns in the pure soul of the people. In antique times, When the storm ederne the mountains, the prizewinners tsopanides Alexander's sister's prayer, the Lady Calling, the Queen of neraϊdwn and say:
– «Kira Call, tell your brother of Alexander not to make bad»!
In the minds of ordinary people Alexander continues to damage like a agathopoios legend. In the difficult days that we need and Alexander and Kira Urge, to see ... good! Yet what, what he has learned our people for Alexander, He owes mainly to some inspirational teachers, in that once we did in high school the "C anabasin" by Alexander Arrianoy, but more to the "Stretched" and Hero of the ' shadow ' Troupe, the kosmagapito Shadows. I won't say that Greek historians their debt did not. Those who do not have their debt are the writers and poets more. In school reading there is no poem for Alexander! Nor know anyone poet – from known – that wrote a poem gi΄ayton1 . Instead you can find poems on Stalin, his Zahariadi, for the season I won't say bad poems. The Skopianoi have written many poems about Alexander birria volume. Leave anymore the giant "kitsoeideis" statues. In the capital of Greece and the statue of Alexander remains stored for years. This Alexander, who will unearth;

1. Even the Cavafy refers to Alexander occasionally.

From the book "the adventure of Amphipolis», of Sarantoy I. Kargakoy, which kykloforithike on Sunday 7 Dec 2014, from the newspaper, Realnews.

The Archaeologist Bright Anastasopoulou writes for the m. Alexander

kastas 2014

The archaeologist Bright Anastasopoulou, presents us with a task on his funerary monument dating Mound Kasta:

I decided to share with you some facts about dating and methods followed by the science of archaeology to achieve. I will not go into technical details (I do not know). If someone wishes to immerse herself in Archaeometry I recommend the book by Yiannis Lyritzi ' Archaeometry '- Kardamitsa publications.

Will negotiate everything revealed the archaeological hoe and could help secure his funerary monument dating. However, I would like to point out that I fully agree with Mrs Peristeri estimate for the last quarter of the 4th century. e.g.. and I'll explain below why.

«Shells» melambafwn vessels:
When we say shells in archaeology, We mean the shards of pottery or other artifacts from clay. Such shells, by red coloured vessels, have been found in the tomb of Amphipolis which now we study. Than Mrs Peristeri in the official presentation of the excavation that took place in Athens on 29/11, found shells melambafwn vessels in places of the monument (but not in the burial chamber).

When we say we mean the red coloured vases vases that have black tint which is not a color but a dilution of clay that was spread on the vessel before baking and the firing gets black color. If the vessel has Polish before, which is achieved by rubbing with smooth pebbles or bone then the black color is glossy. The decor of melambafwn vessels does not include styles but herbal garlands («wreath») in the neck of the vase. The decoration is made with brown or clay diluted hue kitrinwpis. This type of vase is called "West slope" type and customary in Macedonia from the 4th to the 1st century. e.g..

The shells found will help to determine the dating of the monument in two ways.

First I compared their type with other vessels in the region that are similar in form and have been conclusively dated.

To be more confident dating, follow the laboratory dating with the method of thermoluminescence. In this method measured the effect of radioactive radiation in radiation of which material the size increases with the passage of time.

(Melanombafes vessel from the Museum of Amphipolis)

As we all know in the burial chamber of the majestic monument in tumulus Kasta found within the burial trench bones dead/dead. Unfortunately the skeleton is diamelismenos and you must first "assembled". Will follow examination by specialists (especially anthropologists but also other specialties) who on the basis of the structure of bones will conclude whether it is male or female, the height and the age of the deceased and the date of death. The finding of the latter will help the laboratory method of dating by radianthraka 14 (C14). The radianthrakas 14 It is one of the three isotopic forms of chemical element C12.

When the method of the calculation of age with continually decreasing radianthraka measured the radioactivity decreases over time.

As stated in the official presentation of the results of the excavation at 29/11 the Lady have found coins Peristeri by 2π. x. century. and from the 3rd a.d. century. in the first and second space funerary monument. The only clues that give these currencies is the period that the tomb was open and visitable. Mrs Peristeri's position is that desecrated during the Roman period, probably in the 3rd century. m. X. and sealed by the last remaining Macedonians.

The funerary monument
The funerary monument, with its luster, the architecture of excellence, the wondrous decor with stunning art sculptures, gorgeous Pebble table by the abduction of Persephone, the frescoes in the «epistylia», the use of expensive for era marble from the mine at Aliki Thassos, It certainly was during the period of acne and validity of the Macedonian Kingdom, State assignment and expense. However the project was commissioned to design and execute one of the best architects of the time with his staff of skilled artists and craftsmen. The mosaic, -that as regards the style fits with what has been previously found in Pella (as the world-famous lion hunt) but with the Pebble mosaic depicting Kentayrina getting ready to offer a libation in front of entrance to the cave and discovered some years ago in Pella- dating back to the last quarter of the 4th century. p. X. can be safely placed construction of the same period.

And just think of the amount of marble used to build the enclosure and funerary monument, marble that brought from Thassos with ships semi-worked, carried on rafts through the Strimonas River near the point of construction of perilamproy Tomb mound and where was the final edit, just consider the person-hours spent, We understand that this project could be done for any

For whom the hero, General or King, the Macedonian state will take such expense; To honor whom dead we were guests in Amphipolis; My friends, Personally I don't think that the second could be done for the Ifaistiwna or another General. I think a serious contender to the attributed this funerary monument is the great Greek Stratilatis our Soul, the kosmoxakoysmenos Alexander III the great.

But, even though my assessment proved wrong isn't going to stenachwrithw. Already archaeologists has enriched our national story with a brilliant chapter and he is a treasure that remains unchanged in centuries, a treasure that is more valuable than the gold funeral gifts. That is why there are States that because they don't have the history trying to steal ... more and personally I feel deep compassion.

As in any, several of the questions will have answers in a scientific way in January 2015 but again likely to arise in other. The truth is that this monument will be studied for years not only by Greek scientists (and we should feel proud that so far only Greek scientists have used in all sectors) but foreign and world-renowned experts. The upcoming results of diaskopisewn likely to open other avenues for new excavations in the tumulus Kasta which will likely reveal equally brilliant discoveries.

The text that I wrote on the site of ancient Lygkistidos which was, is and will be Macedonia.

Bright Anastasopoulou

What was the legendary..Olympiad;

The Olympiad as a historical personality lived in the shadow of two major historical characters, Philip and Alexander. Though, It was not at all in strength of personality and the involvement or intervention contributed to the formation of many historical events of the era.

She was the daughter of Neoptolemus deyterotoki, King of the molossians of Epirus, and born 373 e.g. in Passarwna, the capital of the Kingdom.

When he was eleven years old, her father died and the throne took her uncle, Arybbas, who married older sister, Troas. Her brother, Alexander, It was then just a year old. It was at this time that the continent was relieved from the local pericharakwsis and spirit were in regenerative period in all areas.

The Olympiad from the childhood years was special education beyond mere learning and writing. Early excelled for the restless and unsatisfied spirit of, the metaphysical concerns and thirst to learn more about the mysteries of life and death. He learned the hieratic secrets in the Oracle of Dodona, which served for years, While it was initiated and in the Bacchanalian Mysteries. Was priestess of Kaviria Mysteries of Samothrace, they met and fell in love with Philip II.

Her name, According to the historian W. Heckel, Polyxena was when she was a child, Myrtali when married, and later renamed Olympiad and Stratonice. The name Olympias was given, According to tradition, After Philip's victory at the Olympic Games of 356 e.g..

There was the lawful wife of Philip and unique Queen of Macedon. Lived with him twenty years (375 BC-337 BC). Ο Φίλιππος, of course, According to the logic of the era, got a lot of women (Aydata, Filina, Nikisipoli, Mida, etc.) that wasn't "Macedonian women", except the last, Cleopatra. When she walked in the Macedonian Court, found by Filinna them with her son, Aridaio, and the daughter of Aydatas, Cynane. The Olympiad was the most educated of all those married Philip and generally "Macedonian women" from all noblewomen. He exercised an unparalleled fascination with the beauty of, education and severity. Sacrifice a lot for her voracious filarchia, Apart from life or reputation of her son, Alexandrou, He loved pathological.

Plutarch, who lived several centuries later, the characteristic of kakotropi and jealous. Also, reports that appeared with domesticated snakes. Later, It is said that she confessed to her husband that Alexander was not the son of, but that was captured by a snake that appeared in her sleep, which, According to legend, It was Jupiter's own incarnation and that Philip himself divided and sent in the continent accusing the adultery.

However, It had many virtues, many of which are imparted to her son, Alexander. In the turbulent and tumultuous life of meeting big assets and large defects. As a doting mother, She had set her life on a single purpose and served with passion: How would ensure for the son of the succession to the throne of Macedonia into the maelstrom of the machinations and intrigues in the courtyard of Pella. And this relentless passion of imply Philip, When, in response to his son Alexander, that characterized his mother as the more courageous than’ all Nereids, said laughing: "not only more courageous, but polemikoteri, Why does not stop to kaygadizei».

Relations between the two spouses to t o 337 e.g., so and Makedonissa Cleopatra, General Attaloy anepsia, raised as fair and lawful Queen, There were basically harmonics, without missing some explosions. Philip of the governance of the trust, When he was absent in the frequent and lengthy campaigns. The Olympiad was created in the courtyard of her own circle of favoured, that protected them even from their commitment and mission in various fronts.

It was endowed with gifts large, Indeed sovereign. After the death of her brother, Alexandrou, King of the molossians, He settled in Epirus and became Regent and Commissioner of the grandson of minor, Neoptolemus Iii.

On The Continent, developed political action of historical significance. Platyne the "audience of Molossos" with the admission of new Continental sexes and renamed "the allies of Apeirotan mean», animating so the reeling prestige of the dynasty of ancient Epirus, He ruled the Continent thirteen years until the 317 e.g..

The unexpected and sad the death knell of her son, the 323 e.g., the crashed. We never wanted to accept that Alexander died of natural death and still learning that mourned lingered atafos in Babylon for two years, because of wild games succession of generals of. Her rage grew, When the Macedonian army in Asia raised the retarded King Philip's son – from the Filinna – as Philip Aridaio, whom he married the ambitious daughter of Kynanis, Antaia-Evridiki, to serve the ambitious aims of.

Amphipolis: The path to the big secret

Reportage: Kazantzidis Alexander
"Archaeology is always magic and it's always the unknown. We don't know what we hide and what will get us out tomorrow's day. Never be discouraged, always have to be optimistic that we will find nice things ".

Such and EFI, a few months ago, Katerina Peristeri, the EC Kavalas archaeologist who was associated with the greatest, Maybe, excavation from the era of andronikos, This of Amphipolis.

The, continuing the magical journey in-latest, This time- findings on the Hill Kasta.

Early 2004. The Peristeri assumes the position of head of the newly formed KI΄ Ephorate of prehistoric and classical Antiquities at Serres.

2009-2010. Begin excavation work in Archaic Cemetery Hill region Kasta.

"There is a rationale to the Tumulus oriothetisw, to see what is happening and not just with a few tombs that give elements for short time, We want overview», says the same in the Athenian press agency.

2012. For the first time starting archaeologists to enters vertically of the Hill, at a depth of fifteen meters from the rural road located in the foothills.

The first (new) great revelation is fact: it comes to light the magnificent grounds of the mound, exceed three meters in height, is of thassian marble and impresses the team of Peristeri, as preserved in excellent condition.

"Definitely important funerary monuments Encompasses, in which we intend to get», indicates to Et3 archaeologist.

March 2014. Shortly after the archaeological excavation activity Conference in Macedonia, the head of the excavation reveals:

"The sign was affixed to the enclosure and overlooking, as the lion, the Amphipolis».

8 August 2014
. Things have gotten their way. Identified two akefales and apteres marble marble Sphinxes on lintel. In front of them there was a limestone wall sfragistikos, from which lacked some gemstones.

"When the sight, It was a magical moment, felt emotion. Our eyes was tears of joy, It was something I didn't expect», confesses the Peristeri.

20 August. With the removal of eleven stones from the wall sealing, the Sphinxes are entirely made of marble of Thassos.

The height of the statues are 1.45 m. Also sections identified by their wings and part of the dorsum of the statue of the lion.

21 August. He came to the light down from the base of the upper part of the Sphinxes, marble thyrwmatos.

Bear decorating with red, Blue and black color. Immediately below this, uncovered two Ionic capitals of the Antis of port, also overlapped with fresco and epizwgrafismena with the same colors.

25 August. By removing lithoplinthwn from the wall is almost the entire sealing facade funerary monument.

26 August. In the Center and in front of the entrance to reveal Pebble flooring, with rectangular and square shapes, surrounded by black-and-white lozenges.

6 September The day is a separate. The area in front of the second septal wall, uncovered beneath the marble architrave, two magnificent art Caryatids, by thassian marble.

The face of Western Karyatidas survives almost intact, While the Eastern is missing.

The Caryatids have rich bostrychoys, They cover their shoulders, and wear tunic.

Forms, on which traces of red and blue color, refer to the type of Daughter.

12 September In the upper section of the third septal wall indicated the existence of elaborate marble perithyrwmatos, Ionic style, like the rest of the architectural elements of space.

21 September. By removing three rows of sealing wall revealed the whole Caryatids, EUR 2,27 m. Wear robe tunic and long ciliated himation with rich folds.

Flying kothornoys decorated with red and yellow, While the fingertip of their feet have been attributed with fine detail. Stand on marble pedestals.

On the surface of the podium of the Eastern Karyatidos distinguished red color.

12 October. The greatness of the archaeological treasure hunt around and confirmed. When removing the backfill revealed the biggest part of a mosaic pavement, covering the entire surface of space i.e., 4,5 m. width on 3 m. length.

The central image depicts chariot in motion, drawn by two white horses, which leads bearded man, with laurel wreath on the head.

In front of the chariot represent the god Hermes as psychopompos, who modified petaso, mantle, winged sandals and holds the Caduceus. The mosaic has been damaged in the Center, in circle shape, diameter 0,80 m.

16 October. Removed the last layers of soil from the eastern side of the mosaic and revealed the third form of the expression.

This is for female juvenile form, with red anemizontes bostrychoys, wearing white robe that propped up with red thin film at breast height.

Is a mythological depiction of the abduction of Persephone by Pluto, with the presence of the God Mercury as psychopompoy, as is customary in similar representations.

21 October. In front of the entrance of the third enclosure were revealed two parts, from the Western leaf, and synanikoyn.

In depth 0,15 m. from the threshold surface was detected and it was revealed the head of Eastern marble Sphinx, integer with minimal breakage in the nose. It has height 0,60 m.

Found, also, fragments from the wings of Sphinxes.

28 October The working hypothesis that there was a fourth port is not confirmed. It is marble pole that was removed.

Down from the third floor's marble Chamber found parts of feathers of Sphinxes.

In addition there was a part of the neck of the second Sphinx and parts by part of the mosaic that was missing.

12 November
. The time of historical revelation: Tomb and skeleton found in Tomb Kasta.

At a depth of 1, 60 m. from the saved stones of the floor, large CIST grave was found with scattered, iron and bronze nails and bone and glass ornaments coffin, in and out of whom there were bones.

29 November. The photo shows bone Peristeri stressing that the goal is to better protect the skeleton.

"Please be patient will tell us anthropologists, We are not talking about names», He said the during of papers for the excavation work.

"The monument is a masterpiece of amazing artists ' resumes.

"This is a luxurious Tomb one very expensive construction», Commenting on the g. c. the Ministry of culture, Lina Mendoni.

4 December. In seven marble sections of epistiliwn belonging to the third Chamber and more elaborate funerary monument area found impressive performances.

Archaeologists distinguish an animal in the Center bearing horns and likely to be a Taurus between two human figures in motion, one female and one male.

The right of female and male ydries distinguished left and rotors forms, While the right winged form directed to a three-legged boiler.

22 December The Ministry of culture shall make public the results of geophysical prospecting and mapping of geological mound Kasta.

"The investigation has confirmed that the Hill has mixed structure with the bulk of it being natural, While the anthropogenic Earth constitutes a relatively small portion ', highlighted inter alia.

However, has not made it clear if the new findings will shed light on the identity of the ' resident ' funerary monument.

By the time this, much remains to be answered... The results are expected in January-as sex, age, stature – the study of osteologikoy hardware makroskopikis, by the fourth space.

As if he has, the ruins of Amphipolis-unique historical and scientific value- triggered a crescendo of interest.

Brought to the fore the beauty, culture and hope to get in a world that can tie ancient and modern for common benefit…

Macedonia, Amphipolis, Μεταλλεία Κασσάνδρας

Σαν συνεχιστές της μεταλλευτικής ιστορίας της Χαλκιδικής, We also feel obliged to stand close to the followers of the historical memory of Amphipolis

Disclosure of the monument of Hill Kasta in Amphipolis turns again look at the grandeur of ancient Greece that was based largely on the exploitation of mineral wealth. Today this story continues, hooking up with many ways of Amphipolis and Halkidiki: from their history, until their current dominant position in historical and economic evolution of modern Greece.

[ Reportage ]

In this sense, wanting to see how reflected this historical development today, We were in Mesolakkia, having our next Costas Melito, new engineer and Mayor of Amphipolis. Making reports under, We recorded:

  • the passion of its inhabitants, I expect this development new principle of modern Greece
  • the modest and humble effort of the Mayor to do what,What can help in terms of infrastructure and work conditions, supporting practical, direct labour operations, the team of archaeologists and relevant services that carry the load of the excavation activity
  • dozens of people with historical memory and conscience that we saw in a few hours to visit the site.

"This picture, changing all our data. Is the positive Visual that we all need in such a situation ", said Smaragda Achtaridoy from Thessaloniki.

Leaving, at a stop in the Lion of Amphipolis, among a group of Spaniards motorists who decided to visit the Amphipolis and get to know the history of Macedonia, We saw a new student, the Georgia Theofanidoy, I just returned with her father from the Tei of Serres where starts her studies: "We feel proud again", told us. "We are now starting our lives we need something important, something in which we can believe, for our region and for our country ".

This is the most important point about the new historical evolution that we experience all of us. The Visual that helps us to understand how the gold, that a very large percentage of secured the power of Greece in ancient times, can unlock the value of modern Greece, to give vision and resources to do so, to carry out.

[ Resources from the subsoil ]

In antiquity, the exploitation of the mineral wealth was an integral part of economic life and power of Greece. From the Laurion silver who played an important role in the development of the Athens of Pericles, until the gold of Macedon that ensure the validity of the Macedonian Kingdom.

The mining activity, played an important role in the emergence of ancient Greece, a reference point of world history. It is indicative that the power and the wealth of Athens which is reflected in the Parthenon, the ' symbol ' of Greece, broadly and relied on the exploitation of the mineral wealth of Athenian Alliance. While the campaign of Alexander the great, sponsored by the gold of Paggaio and Chalkidiki.

According to historical sources, the biggest mining centers holding gold and silver, and even on a global scale, worked in antiquity in Halkidiki, in the area of Northeastern Kavalas, in Thassos and near the river Echedwro, in the area of Filippiada, While one of the largest silver mining centers in the history of mankind was the Lavrio.

[ The "gold" of Macedonia: Pangeo – Halkidiki ]

In Macedonia, Pageos and Halkidiki mines operated by the 1300 e.g.. as key pillars of gold production on a global scale, While there are excavation reports and findings showing that gold is produced on the eastern side of Thassos as early 2300 e.g..

In the time of Herodotus, alongside the mines gold mining of Thassos, developing and mining of "Skaptis Material" in the region while others pangeo, When others of Northeastern Kavalas. Total, both mining centers produced gold worth 300-400 ταλάντων (equates to approximately 26 pounds in matching silver) annually.

Then, developed primarily gold holdings in Pangeo and in Halkidiki with the value of the annual production to exceed 500 talanta.

Regarding the validity of the Macedonian Kingdom, largely based on mineral wealth and the standard organisation of mines in the region. The size of the wealth of the Macedonian "chryseiwn" imprinted in gold quintals, the currency is issued by the 352 until the 336 e.g.. and circulated to the 2nd b.c.. century, not just in Macedonia, but in Rome. With this currency Macedonia managed to compete the dareikoys quintals "», While the monetary war prevailed with their silver drachmas.

[ The mining history of CHALKIDIKI ]

In the North-East Halkidiki region saved more than 300 Wells and about 200.000 cubic meters of ancient metallurgical scrap, common "slags", from the "ekkamineysi" of minerals. The mining history of the Stratwnikoy terms that passes from antiquity to Byzantium and then in Ottoman period, to reach the Bodossaki era and in modern development of Kassandra Mines, fills a path 25 centuries. Until the modern harnessing of gold that can make Greece the most important producer and exporter in Europe.

[ The modern «gold» of Amphipolis and Chalkidiki ]

Today, After the discovery of the burial mound of the Hill Kasta, the excavation activity in Amphipolis attracts again the interest of humanity to the grandeur of ancient Greece and the role played by the exploitation of the mineral wealth. And turning back to look at the challenge of modern Greece: the transition to new era, based on the exploitation of mineral wealth, then the mining history and create a new chapter: "The exploitation of gold of CHALKIDIKI».

And as excavation activity in Amphipolis is bringing back to mind the greatness of Greek history, as the project progresses and the exploitation of the mineral wealth of Halkidiki for highlighting of the mining capital of modern Greece. The evolution of these two stories, beyond the historical connection and passes in practice with the technical support of the municipality of Amphipolis, from people of Greek Gold, in an effort to support the project anaskafikoy:

"As followers of the mining history of CHALKIDIKI, We also feel obliged to stand close to the followers of the historical memory of Amphipolis. Whichever way. Without ever asking any return. We did and will do ",
Michael Theodorakopoulos, Deputy CEO of Greek Gold.

Republished by Mining News

Alexander…the Oracle of Ammona

The Oracle of Ammona, through the Greeks of Cyrenaica was long known to the Greeks of mainland, He believed that there had reached the relevant art in their oldest Oracle, one of Dodona. Enjoyed great respect (Aristophanes regarded the Oracle of Amun as the second most important after that of Delphi, Pindar had founded Thebes Temple of Amun and the Athenians had sent an official delegation during the Peloponnesian War, to get Oracle).

He had his reputation's surefire and occasionally have consulted many Greek heroes, among them Perseus, When the Polydektis sent him to kill the Mermaid, and Hercules, When he went to Libya to face the Antaio. Philip also after a enypnio (dream) the Chairwna the Megalopoliti sent to the Oracle of Delphi, to ask Oracle and Apollo replied that ought to honor and sacrificing in the Temple more than to other gods and that they would lose the eye that, with which he had seen from the Temple in the form of chink reptile to sleeping with the Olympiad. Alexander supposedly wanted to emulate Perseus and Hercules (grandson of Perseus), because he came and both of them and additionally placed part of the origin of the Amun (in accordance with his father's enypnio) Although the latter is probably a later invention.
From the mouth of the Nile, where was situate in the city of, Alexander started with a light and escort for the clip tachykinito Oracle of Amun Ra in the OASIS Sioya, a difficult journey around 530 km or 2.867 stages, i.e. about 15 stations. None of the ancient historians did not indicate how the army took with him the Alexander, but should we presume that was lightweight pedestrians and horsemen, Maybe ypaspistes and precursors, while transporting supplies the Kurtius says that used camels. Go Beach, so has the support of the fleet, crossed not completely arid desert and after 1.600 stages (about 295 km) arrived at Paraitonio(Marcia Matroych). There they met ambassadors of the Greek cities of Cyrenaica. Of delivered a wreath, 300 Ippoys polemistas, 5 extremely tethrippa (Maybe one of each Member of the Pentapolis) many other splendid gifts and concluded with him friendship and Alliance Pact.
Great course. Alexander in Aigypto_pigi alexanderofmakedon
In Paraitonio refueled for the last time from the fleet, I turned South and went into the desert, that was sandy and arid and where Cambyses lost 50.000 men in a sandstorm. In 1.388 stages or 7 about stations, remaining as the Oracle, you will not need to anefodiasthoyn in food, but the water reached them just for four days. Went mainly in the evening, shortly before sunset until shortly after sunrise, in order to avoid exhausting desert sun. Alexander applied this tactic and other deserts, that had to be crossed. On the fourth day of the last abstraction a strong South wind lifted sandstorm, They destroyed all the paths, the traces and signs on the route resulting in drivers to lose their orientation. The water ran out of stock, but with intervention of Amun, which according to the ancient writers wanted Alexander to reach the Oracle of, It rained suddenly and could quote ydrodotithei for four other days.
Apart from the rain the Sands sent them upon other help. During the Kallistheni in front of the extract were flying crows, their krazontas showed that the course and helped to find the main body, those who lose their way in the night. When Aristoboylo the crows were two and perhaps not without significance this narrative, Once in the tradition of the region till today flying two crows (neither a nor more than two) considered a happy omen for indigenous, that start journey to OASIS Sioya. When Ptolemy was not crows, but two dragons with human voice.
Oracle of Ammon
The Oracle of Amun at the oasis in the sandy and arid desert of Libya. The maximum width of the OASIS was 40 stages (about 7,5 km) and today was full of trees, olives and palm trees. There was the sole source of the region, whose water temperature change during the day. Noon was to be almost frozen, then the temperature rise, midnight reached a peak, and then begin again to Europe turns colder. Nearby there were salt mines, which give excellent quality salt, NET like Crystal. Some pieces were larger than 3 daktyloys (about 5,5 EC.) and was coveted at sacrifices.
If the fix the boundaries of Alexandria became the 20th January 331 e.g., Alexander must be entered in the Oracle space surrounded the last week of January, or the first of February, Depending on the speed that covered the 15 stations from the Nile as the Oracle. If the design of Alexandria was on his return from the Oracle of Ammona, then visit the Oracle must became the first fortnight of January. What exactly happened at Oracle we have many variations and in antiquity may there were still more, After the matter and metaphysical was and deification of Alexander was. It is reasonable to assume that the "communication" of Alexander consultants developed one particular story, which parallachthike then from various historians and novelists depending on style and perceptions of each.
The variation of the Prophet's Oracle, Plutarch for reasons of courtesy reportedly he addressed Alexander in Greek, but because he spoke well rather than say "w, child"she said"w, paidios». Immediately spread (i.e., someone took care to spread) the rumor that the Prophet he addressed Alexander "w, pai Zeus». I.e. Alexander allegedly took the bad Greek of Egyptian priest, to proclaim that a worldwide recognition of the Oracle acknowledged as a son of the Supreme God of Egypt. The variation of Diodorus and Koyrtioy of the Prophet is quoted as saying "hail, my child and this address is from God "and Alexander to replied ' I accept, father, and will your son apokaloymai ". Here the evil priest reportedly rushed to offer to Alexander this, He wanted. In both variations, Alexander, always generous to his associates, He dedicated the Church important votive offerings. The Justin says that earlier had sent people to bribe the priests and tell them that he wanted to hear. So, When he entered the temple priests the cheered joyfully "spontaneously" as a son of Amun. Arrian, who does not approve of the choice of Alexander to declare God, says succinctly that Alexander "hearing these, who wished».
Embossed depiction of Alexander as pharaoh in Luxor to the temple of Amenhotep III
Until his visit to the Oracle of Ammona, Alexander had not indicated any intention to deified, though described as incidents during his visit there, show that his decision was already renewed. In Egypt, where the chief Archon was the son of God, was certainly useful to recognize him as the son of the Supreme God of the country. There he heard of the philosopher Psammwna that all people run from God, so will the commanding easier, If you were God himself. These very useful contacts and discussions should be made in Memphis, the capital of the United Kingdom of Egypt.
We saw that the revolt in Egypt often against the Persians and the last of the rebellion gave the opportunity to Philip to declare war in Persia, to terminate as soon as the Egypt epanypotachthike. The fact that they rebelled again after the conquest by Alexander is without a doubt a result of Alexander's agreement with the powerful Egyptian priesthood. Alexander respected Egyptian religion (on ' and the Temple of ISIS in Alexandria) the local governance, the privileges of the priesthood and in return that recognized him as a Pharaoh by removing the old dynasties. As Pharaoh had to be and son of Amun, best suited for identified were the priests of the Oracle, who will certainly received instructions, to which complied, the agreement highlights.
The same policy (i.e. the same agreement) applied later Ptolemy and the dynasty, who founded. It is impossible to see through the veil of propaganda when he decided to make Alexander the son of God, However from the OASIS Sioya and then began to formats and implements the process of theopoiisis. The barbarians, the aylokolakes and aspondyloi always unscrupulous communicators, that crowd willing 'son of Zeus», they began to become more and more useful and to acquire more and more power.
Delivered that, Alexander's question whether he'd punish all the murderers of his father, the Prophet commanded them to non-urgent, because his father was the Sands (whom the Greeks antistoichizan to Jupiter) whom no one could kill and that the murderers of Philip mortal were all punished anyway. Alexander thriskoliptos and of course it was not the conspiracy to assassinate his father had exichniastei, so it may have been his own doubt, in calling for response.
The favor of Philip, in which the oldest himself had fallen and the Olympiad, fuelled the speculations (from then until today) that Alexander and his mother were involved in a conspiracy. The God's assurance that there were no unpunished conspirators must be planned in their final discharge of these suspicions. Then Alexander asked, If God would make him sovereign of all people and of course the Prophet replied that this was the will of God. Moreover, it would be unreasonable to deny God in the son of its sovereignty on all his creatures.
After he got out of the Temple an excellent management tool of Asians, He returned to Memphis from either the same road (in the Aristoboylo) either directly (when Ptolemy). The view of historians enhance Aristovoulos, bedding design of Alexandria upon return. Ptolemy's view seems to reinforce two major archaeological discoveries in one of the two routes, using the caravans up before 200 years, to reach the oasis of Sioya on the Nile. Specifically in the OASIS Mpacharigia, the most important in the way of caravans, and at the end of the same road, just outside the Fayoum, discovered respectively two small Egyptian temples dedicated to the worship of God-Pharaoh Alexandrou. Because Arrian is much more accurate than the other preserved historical, We accept that Alexander designed the Alexandria during the transition, so it was not obliged to return by the same route. Since Alexander's key feature was the speed, We accept the view of Ptolemy, We confirm that the two Egyptian naiskoi.
Alexander returning in late January or early February 331 e.g. in Memphis, found to await him many embassies from Greece and their he satisfied all requests. Received and payments from the Antipatro, 400 Greek mercenaries under the Igisandroy and Menoito 500 THRACIANS horsemen under Asklipiodwro of Eynikoy. Did it again sacrifice, Parade, athletic and musical competitions and arranged the administrative matters of satrapeias. As agreed in the tradition of Egypt, He chose two Egyptians prefects, the Doloaspi and the Petisi, and commissioned in half the country's administration. But because he refused the Petisis, took all the Doloaspis.
In Memphis garrison Headquarters mounted Pantaleonta partner of pydna and STOU Polemwna partner Piloysioy of Megakli from Pella. The body of Mercenaries set leader Lykida the Aitolo, Eygnwsto partner appointed Secretary of Xenofanti and moderators Aeschylus and the Equestrian. He gave the administration of Libya in Apollonius of Charinoy. The Arabic Department of Egypt, to the side of the Irwoypolis commissioned in a Greek Egypt, the Iromeni from the Naykrati, who had to leave the prefects to administer during the old habits, While he had personal responsibility for the collection of taxes. Admiral of the fleet in Egypt appointed Polemwna of Theramenes. He divided the Supreme military command of Egypt to the great Balakro of the Makartati and Amynta, because the country was vast and rich and didn't like the idea to let the leadership of a single man after some nasty stuff, He had informed the Filota, the cavalry Commander of the trusted enterprise.
When the skeyofora of Parmenion seized the Persians in Damascus, among the spoils were also some Antigone, a nice woman from Pydna of Macedonia, He took her as his mistress Filotas. The boasted about the successes, his own and his father's, of Parmeniwna, told that Alexander is meirakion (paidareli) and that he possessed the power thanks to him and the Parmeniwna. Antigone said to someone, He to someone else, and as usually happens, Word of mouth reached the ears of Krateroy, who rode before Alexander. The Filotas hadn't committed any wrongdoing, but it was not trivial to undisputed king and Commander-in-Chief of the expedition from the Commander of the cavalry company and son of Deputy Commandant of the army. So Alexander ordered to maintain relations with Filota, and keeps you informed.
The information, that gave the Antigoni was no doubt sufficient, to remove the Filotas from his Office, which above all require individual trust. Though his father Filota, the Fairytales, He had proven his loyalty to Alexander after which was the second strongest army officer. His brother Filota, Nicanor, He held another neuralgic and honorary position, He was the Commander of the ypaspistwn partners and had served as Chief of fleet businesses in Miletus. His behavior was so annoying and Filota reprehensible, but as the limit on close personal circle, Alexander does not take measures against. Limited to record this information and reserves for the future.
Sources – Bibliography
Arrian c. 3, C.4., C. 26
Diodorus XVII. 49.2-6, 51.1-4
Plutarch Alexander 3.1-2, 26.12, 27. 48.-49.2
Kurtius 4.7.12-28
Justin 11.11.6-9
Herodotus c. 25

The funeral of Ifaistiwna

?????In Babylon was the funeral of Ifaistiwna, the bunch which had brought before the Perdiccas. For the construction of the burial pyre Alexander tore down the walls City area 10 stages (about 1,8 km), He chose the baked brick, iron out the ground and created a square surface of a foursquare plethroy Wharf (about 874 M2). On manufactured 30 Chambers and paved the roof with Palm tree trunks, so all the construction is square. The exterior decoration consisted of seven superimposed tiers. The frieze of the base were 240 Golden plwres pentirwn, that at epwtides (the two beams on either side of the bow, where hung the anchors) had a statue of Archer heights 4 ELLs (about 1,80 m), with one leg gonatismeno (in firing position), while aboard, there were statues armed EUR 5 ELLs (about 2,20 m). The gaps between the plwres supplement foinikides woolen (Red flags, that marked the start of the battle). On the second level were placed torches EUR 15 ELLs (about 6,60 m). The handle had gold hoops, at the point of combustion were Eagles, I looked down to open their wings, and at their bases were Dragons, that kept the Eagles. At the third level there were all kinds of hunting animals performances, in the fourth level was no golden show Centaurs and the fifth frieze had gold performances lions and bulls alternately. The sixth frieze had performances of Macedonian and Persian weapons, that symbolized the Macedonian victory over the barbarians. In the upper frieze Siren statues were hollow, whence moirologitres epselnan the unseen epitaph lamentation on the dead. The total height of the funerary pyre exceeded 130 cubits (about 57,66 m).

Officials, soldiers, Ambassadors and locals were competing in promotions and all were grandiose ceremonies epikideies. It is said that the total (public and private) costs for the funeral of Ifaistiwna were colossal. During the funeral ceremonies Arriano in honor of Ifaistiwna had cost 10.000 talanta. According to Plutarch, Alexander was not intended to surpass the amount of 10.000 ταλάντων, but like the elegance and beauty of the monument to make shows more expensive. When Justin cost 12.000 talanta, While in Diodorus the exceeded. The ceremonies were closed with gymnikoys and musicians matches, the brightest who had organised as then Alexander. They took part 3.000 contestants, "they shortly afterwards was destined to profit and his own funeral».

The General mourning for the Ifaistiwna continued, but not inhibited iota Alexander's activities. None of the ancient authors not giving in detail the sequence of events in Babylon, so I don't know what preceded and what followed his funeral Ifaistiwna. But judge Alexander the Advanced, as is humanly expected and note that no ancient historian doesn't connects with Oracle, that had been requested by the Oracle of Ammona. After the funeral he met ambassadors from all over Greece. It is said that Alexander garnered from Susa, the Pasargadae and all other parts of Asia the spoils, that had gotten Xerxes from Greece, and delivered to the Ambassadors of the respective States. Older He had delivered to the Athenians ambassadors the busts of two tyrannoktonwn, of the responsible and of the Military, This time handed over the statue of Artemis Kelkeas.

We do not know for what reason went each Embassy, but due to the massive influx of, both the Greek and other embassies, I had met from Ekbatana directed towards Babylon, We must assume that went with the etiquette. It was preceded by the subjection of the Persian Empire, the whole of India, mainly in the West of the Indus and the proclamation of the end of the war at wpi. A large number of people and resources, to a much greater extent of territorial achaimenidikoy now began to run State with single administrative, tax, currency and metric system. An Asian Empire, India and known territories Europe and Africa, was nascent and all adjacent folks, allies and non-, rushed up to him kosmokratora filofronisoyn, to prevent month break up any misunderstandings and to ensure benefits.

Alexander was the first who had come for religious themes, second who brought gifts, 3rd those were border disputes and called for arbitration, tetartoys who had gone to private subjects and pemptoys those who disagreed with the return of exiles, which had decided earlier. Prioritizing the prestige of their sacred accepted first ilian, After the Ammwnioys, Delphi, the Corinthians, the Epidayrioys and after all other. It is characteristic that, While Alexander until Kleito had killed with his hands, in his fight to be the son of Amun, ranked second in ammonium value after the Temple of Zeus at Olympia. I.e. once again, and even in a period that had eliminated any opposing voice, He made it clear that the world was conquered by a King while kosmopoliti, Greek origin and consciousness does not. In addition a lot had changed since then, the Sands ' adopted ' Alexander. The new situations forced to depart from the Egyptian God and invent a new global God. And did the Sarapis.

That time arrived in Babylon the Kassandros, his son Antipater, whose other son, the Iolas, He was already in the backyard of Alexander as archioinochoos. In addition the Kassandros showed no flexibility and behaved like a Greek among Greeks, causing the violent outburst of King of Asia. This traumatic for cassander contact with Alexander made him the mortal enemy of the Argead House, they finally managed to eliminate. In accordance with the Plutarch, When he arrived in Babylon, because he had not seen the Asian standard of prostration, the Greek upbringing made him laugh carelessly, as it turned out. Maybe because his behavior hurt the way administration, you have chosen Alexander, Maybe because Alexander was angry with his father, grabbed him loudly from the hair with both of his hands and hit his head on the wall. Another time, kassandros tried to refute them, that nonplussed by his father, But Alexander of argues the question "Did so the way people without disadvantage and say that they came to deplored;». "This is slander, that is far from evidence "said Kassandros and Alexander laughing loudly threatened him" these are up sophisms of Aristotle and klapsete very, If you look that the adikeite even a little». Alexander's behavior say that instilled such terror in Kassandros for Alexander, so much later, When he was no longer King of Macedonia, in a visit to Delphi, watching in front of a statue of Alexander "missed the logically of, rose hairs, began to tremble and barely met».

(Arrian VII. 14-15, Diodorus XVII. 113.3-4, 115, Plutarch Alexander 72.3-5, 74.2-CC, Justin 12.12.12

National Geographic: Amphipolis is the Greek ... more Game of Thrones!

Intrigue, conspiracies and passions that mentioning a Hellinikon "Game of Thrones" hides the riddle of Amphipolis, According to National Geographic, which devotes extensive reportage in the excavation of Amphipolis.

As pointed out in a report on the website of National Geographic, Although it is almost certain that Alexander the great was buried in Egypt, It is not known where the other members of his family. Consequently, the excavation in the tumulus Kasta opens a new chapter in the history of Alexander the great and his family.

"A dynasty», as National Geographic, "that was dipped in intrigue, the conspiracy, the bloodshed, as the Lanister in the popular television series "Game of Thrones"».
Indeed, for the reader to understand better the intrigue, the magazine makes history in the distant past, speaking of his life King of Macedon, but his father Philip II.
For the last, de, talks and the writer Ian Worthington, who has studied the history of Alexander the great and has written the book ' By the Spear: Philip II, Alexander the Great, and the Rise and Fall of the Macedonian Empire».
As stated by the Worthington, "Philip II was a traditional warlord. Always stood in the heart of the battle».
A similar battle showed love and m. Alexander, who, as stated in the publication, even before his death was East, designing to conquer Arabia.
With his death, as they died under odd circumstances, his relatives began the fight for succession, However eventually the Empire split and finally disappeared.
As stated by Philip Freeman, Professor of classical history at the College of Ntekora in Aioba Luther: "It's very rare for a King or ruler must lead to die alone".
At the same time, Many archaeologists are convinced, According to historical references, that Alexander is buried somewhere in Egypt, probably "in the city which bears his name, Alexandria», reads National Geographic. Nevertheless, There are few scientists looking for the graves of the Olympiad, Roxanne, of Ifaistiwna and relatives of m. Alexandrou.
Therefore, the excavations of the tomb of Amphipolis may give the solution to the mystery behind the questions that dominate the minds of researchers, as is likely in the tumulus is Kasta buried someone from relatives of the King of Macedon

NBC News: Amphipolis is the biggest puzzle in the world for the 2014


NBC News: Amphipolis is the biggest puzzle in the world for the 2014

The tumulus Kasta of Amphipolis is a major puzzle for the 2014 According to the NBC News.

The case of the excavation of Amphipolis and so far unanswered question of who is buried in the tomb of 2.300 years is located in the first position of the foreign network list.

The NB C presented the ten cases last year were scientists and either replied either came across old puzzles with new puzzles.

Follow matters such as search Ebola treatment, decryption of avian evolution through DNA analysis, the consequences of climate change, the drought in California and the polar cold of the East Coast, new letters in the alphabet of DNA, the secrets of the first native Americans, electricity from fusion, revelations of genetics for the Neanderthal, the Spinosayros walked and swam.