In the sanctuary of God in Pangeo refers and the stage philosopher Euripides :
Kryptos (d)’ chthonos ypargyroy in antrois of keisetai Gazer faos anthrwpodaimwn, Bacchus Prophet, so Pangaiou rock wkise, toisin eidosin God modes.
Like anthrwpotheos but within the male will stay asimogis & light I see, as STOU Paggaio throniase rock the Prophet of Bacchus, poylogietai God and honor those who know) .
Where exactly was the Oracle of Dionysus our not clearly identify any source. It goes without saying which of the peaks.
The Kason the 1930 He wanted to find in Pangeo traces of.
In the position "Askitotrypa", When I was researching for the Oracle, He found only a few relics of Neolithic and Roman era.
What we wanted to find the Kason;
Marble buildings of that time were not available.
The oracles were simulated under construction some oak usually, the wind rustling the leaves turn, and this sound was considered as a divine message, which inspired the fortune teller.
(b). The Temple of Dionysus in Good Fountain Drama
At a distance 2,5 kilometres from the village of Kali Vrysi
(old Gkornitsa) located on an artificial hillock the sanctuary of Dionysus.
Around 1921 held by the L. Renaudin and J. Small-scale test survey Charbonneaux.
Systematically with the research of the R’ Ephorate of prehistoric and classical Antiquities, namely the archaeologist Katerina Peristeri, from the 1991.
The sanctuary is a rectangular building with dimensions 34,60 X 16.
The excavations unearthed precious for the historical research of the era and region information, as old, skyfoys, one of the popular dishes of God and his followers, kantharoys, craters and figurines men's and women's styles.
One of them is masked and is identical with the modern Tap mpampoygero of good, It is the precursor of.
Even coins and found remnants of burnt wood,
which leads to the view that the destruction of the sanctuary came from tremendous fire.
Chronologically the sanctuary belongs to the late 4th and early 3rd BC. century.
In the view of Katerina Peristeri, which excavated the shrine, Perhaps the destruction of it originated from the Gauls, who have been played from the area after the battle of Lysimacheias, where were the 277 e.g.. by Antigonus Gonatas , having prevented to cause major disasters in northern Greece.
One of their victims and the sanctuary of Dionysus at Kali Vrysi.
The Chaidw Coucoulis referring to Jamie's Peristeri communication "excavations at Kali Vrysi Dramas" writes:
«… Katerina Peristeri detects certain findings in the Dionysian worship building elements- but these, in my view, There are strong to ensure the identification of the building with Temple of Dionysus ".
(X. Coucoulis Chrysanthaki, The Drama and the site of the Neolithic era until the late Antiquity, Announcement in b’ Scientific Meeting, The Drama and the area of», Drama 18-22 May 1994, s.. 49-104).
However, If you consider’ our view that in antiquity
as places of worship considered forests, sources, huge trees,
but caves,
We believe that no sin, If you accept the building as a possible sanctuary of the God Dionysus.
And while the above recommendation of the k. Peristeri mentions that in "area a" of sacred vases and rituals revealed mikroeyrimata associated with the Dionysian worship, in the same presentation of notes:
"Many well crafted saves only its lower stones used in newer homes of the village as a building material, thereby depriving our research from some inscription or statue, the trantachtoys witnesses usually sought to demonstrate some worship.
Probably lost forever such signs of identification of space».
We think that this confession of k. Peristeri leads to doubt about the identity of the site as sacred.
Because what prevents us from saying that the head of Dionysus of Roman pwgwnoforoy from the region of good Tap and the inscription, the deductions under Dionysus, found in the vicinity of the witty, almost good Tap omoris, derived from the above sacred, When not highlighted a similar sanctuary in this region;
Maybe, When sometime in archaeological scalpel open to depth and width of the innards of the country hedoni, lucky to have as an invaluable heritage and other inscriptions and statues, to justify the view that the building of the "small Mound" of good Tap worshipped for centuries the folk God of fun, of mirth and optimism, the battered and well-traveled Dionysos, the "saw many people astea».
The F. Mertzidis (C chwrai of the past, SLE. 44) lists the following view of e. Ruckert on the presence of Gauls under the current Prosotsanis:
"The Prwsoimeta of the Gauls n Macedonia I came twice, eisbalontes the country EU firms are breaching echthrikwtata, in the course abandoned and the name of the national.
That I came unto the parties so about years 279 and 274 e.g.,
order the Prwssotsani, and pre season point eferen marital partner name, katoikoymeni CP’ other people of Greek origin, wnomasthi, as it is assumed, in the crossing of Prwsswn EC,
who produced and undoubtedly eichon apoikian whose name derives from Portzen, which means people diairoynta, syntribonta Pan diaschizonta and the prostychon ".
If you consider’ our testimony aspect of Ruckert, then the destruction of the shrine of the bandalistiki behavior of the Gauls must be made between the years 279 and 274 e.g..
If you end the destruction of the sanctuary came from Galatians, then most likely date of destruction should be considered or year 279 ή 278 e.g., After the Gauls after their defeat by Antigonus Gonatas in Lysimachia the 277 e.g.. passed in Asia and settled in Asia minor (Gaul).
(c). Temple of Dionysus in drama
Although the area of drama found signs of which it is the widespread worship of the God Dionysus, as well as busts of, But even sought the sanctuary of God in the ancient settlement tisDramas
We assume that the sanctuary of God must be located somewhere in the Centre of the ancient village of drama, and specifically in the space where the 10th or 110 a.d. century has erected a temple on’ the name of our Lady, from the Lord of that era Alexius Manic, the current church of Aghia Sofia, which the Turks onomazane
Agia Sofia Tzamisi..
In our case this support in the following:
A short distance from the Church of Aghia Sofia found marble pedestal the statue of God with the inscription ¦. \…^ ROCKY EOYS
The place where you found the podium, which in later years was converted into the basin, were the walls of xirocheimarroy (tea), which crosses the city tisDramas.
The volume and weight of the podium are difficult to allow the movement of a large distance. If you do not consider’ our view that the ground at that point is katwferes, then easily explained the movement of rolling. Apparently the removal of from the original site of placement of discharge of emotions and has testified from the presence of.
It is known that Christianity in an effort to beat the long-term presence of a pagan temple built in spaces, where there were centres of worship or sacred Pagan, sacred temples.
Maybe something happened and with the building of the Church of the Holy Wisdom of God.
Even the area lying outside the boundaries of the ancient settlement was ampelofyti.
A part of this site, that is not accepted even the invasion of the building mania, is still ampelofyto.
And it goes without saying that ampelofytoi places reasonably win the preference of followers of the God Dionysus for construction of shrines and the celebration of worship.
End, finds from the sanctuary of Dionysus found in the riverbed of xirocheimarroy above with the overlapping of soils, which came from drilling construction foundations .
And such oikopedikoi sites, hosting in the bowels the Antiquities are mainly those located in the historic center of drama